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Teacher App Dashboard

  1. Easy to navigate App dashboard for Teachers
  2. Mark Attendance
  3. Assign Homework
  4. Compose Announcements
  5. Publish Class test results
  6. Upload pictures for your class

Mark Attendance

  1. Mark attendance of entire class in less than 20 Seconds
  2. Easily edit attendance for your class

Assign Homework

  1. Easily assign homework for the entire class
  2. Ability to upload document or picture as part of the Homework message

Edit Homework

  1. Edit assigned homework if you have made a mistake in your original message that was already sent
  2. School supervisor can view/edit homework of all teachers
  3. Teachers can only view/edit the homework message that they have composed

Available for iOS & Android users

Teachers, Parents & Students can download the app from Google Play store.

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Exciting Opportunity to Transform Your Institution through Edusecure Mobile App

Edusecure Mobile App is the ideal solution for your institution to grow to next level. In today’s connected world, give the best digital tool to your teachers, students and parents. Enjoy the benefits of having a dedicated mobile app in your institution’s name.

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